
St. Anthony and Holy Spirit Catholic Parishes



The Lord God has given me a well-rained tongue, that I may know how to speak to the weary a word that will rouse them. (Isaiah 50:4)
Those who proclaim God's word in the liturgy are known as Lectors.  It is an ancient teaching in the Church that Christ is truly present in His Word: the Word that is spoken, heard and acted upon.  Answering the call to become a Lector, enters one into a deeper relationship with God as he is revealed in Sacred Scripture.  To be Lector is a commitment of service.
The ministry of Lector is one of the most visible roles service at Liturgy.  It is through the Lector that the Word of God is proclaimed to the people through the Old and New Testament readings.  In the ministry of Lector, God's Word is spoken to God's people.  God's Word that has power and has challenges as it comforts and builds up our community of faith.
A willingness to study the Scriptures and time to pray with the readings before each liturgical assignment are necessary commitments for a Lector.  Reading skills, the ability to develop proclamation techniques and a clear and steady voice are attributes of a Lector.
Guidelines for the ministry and practical training are provided.  Lectors receive a workbook with the readings for the current liturgical year as a resource in their preparation.  Lectors are scheduled based on their availability preference.
Those who take on the responsibility of Lector are presumed to be of good faith, eager to serve their fellow Christians, and willing to engage in the formation process to improve the effectiveness of their service. 




St. Anthony Lectors

Holy Spirit